本帖最后由 qibao9891 于 2014-1-6 11:36 编辑
http://www.infiniteunknown.net/2 ... ean/comment-page-1/
Green Majority, 89.5 FM Toronto, December 6, 2013:
At 9:00 in
Gordon Edwards, nuclear expert and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility: What happened in Fukushima [...] was a series of explosions, four reactors exploded, and three of those reactors melted down — the molten fuel has gone right down into the ground […] There are about 300 tons of contaminated water every day going into the Pacific Ocean underground. That‘s because the cores of the reactors have melted into the ground, and now the groundwater is flowing underneath the reactors and it’s washing that radioactive material out into the Pacific Ocean at the rate of 300 tons per day. […] They have been pumping 400 tons of water from the surface down into the reactor cores and then pumping the contaminated water back up again […]
At 11:30 in
Edwards: All that contaminated water is just sitting there [in tanks] […] They found a pool of water beside the tank that was leaking, that pool of water — they measured the radiation levels — if a person stood beside that pool of water for 1 hour, they would die of radiation poisoning. So that’s how contaminated this water is. What’s causing the contamination is the fact that you have to cool the melted fuel and the melted fuel contains so much radioactive poison that that’s what gets into the water. This is the kind of thing that environmentalists are not realizing.
1. 福岛6蛙里头共4个蛙发生爆炸,其中3个蛙已经堆芯融化
2. 熔融态的堆芯,已经烧穿下沉至接触到地下水(近日之神秘核蒸气,极有可能是地下水蒸腾所致)
3. 每天,300吨核污染的地下水流入太平洋
4. 日本人每天把水泵入堆芯再抽出来,企图冷却之
5. 这些泵出来的冷却水,存在堆旁边的水罐里,经测试其放射性,一个成年人暴露一小时即可死亡
http://strangesounds.org/2014/01 ... tor-building-3.html
The newest update in the highly disconcerting series of devastating failures that is the Fukushima cleanup effort is troubling to say the least. Tepco has confirmed that mysterious plumes of steam have been rising from the mangled remains of Reactor Building 3. In other words, there’s a chance Fukushima could be in the middle of another meltdown.
The thing is, no one has been able to find out the exact cause of the rising, mysterious radioactive steam because the combination of physical damage and, more importantly, lethal radiation levels have made investigating the reactor impossible. Tepco has known that a followup meltdown was a severe possibility, though. The Reactor 3 fuel storage pond is still home to about 89 tons of plutonium-based mixed-oxide fuel according to the The Ecologist, and should that fuel storage pond dry out, the highly radioactive rods will melt down with devastating results.
Still, there are two other slightly less severe possibilities outlined by The Ecologist. First, the molten fuel could have burnt its way through the base and into the soil below, producing steam as it comes into contact with groundwater (while simultaneously releasing radioactive contaminants into the ocean). Second, reactor rod fragments could have come into contact with rainwater, producing extreme amounts of heat and, consequently, steam. As The Ecologist notes, “Of the three choices this is probably the least serious.”
While some of the possible outcomes might be better than others, nothing we’re facing is exactly ideal. But of course, that seems to be the recurring theme for Tepco’s efforts at containing the Fukushima disaster. Why change now.
关于一系列被高度关注的灾难性问题的最新消息是,福岛核电站的善后清理工作至少是令人无法安心的。东电承认从三号反应堆废墟里喷出一大片蒸汽(具体成因未知)。换句话说,这可能是福岛核电站另一次炉心熔解的征兆。事实时,目前没人知道带辐射的蒸汽喷发的具体原因,因为福岛核电站不仅是实质上受到毁坏而无法进入,更重要的是超过致死剂量的核辐射让进入内部调查望而止步。虽然东电知道随之发生的熔解是最有可能发生的情况。据The Ecologist表示,三号反应堆的蓄水池内存储着89吨的钸燃料,而蓄水池可能被烧干了,高辐射的燃料棒将会熔解并造成灾难性的后果。The Ecologist同时也提出了另外两种可能性较小的情况。第一种情况是,燃料棒可能已经烧穿底部基座并沉入地下,并将地下水蒸发成蒸汽喷射出来(同时将核污染物排放入海水中)。第二种情况,燃料棒的随便可能与雨水接触,产生大量的热量,将雨水蒸发成蒸汽。而The Ecologist认为这三中原因中最后一种是最不可能的。虽然事故最后产生的某些结果比其他的结果要好,但是没有一种是理想的。不过当然这看起来好像是东电正在努力控制福岛核灾难时所重复发生的事情。但为什么现在变了。