焊接 welding, weld
航空材料 aerial material
合成纤维 synthetic fiber
合金钢 alloy steel
合金结构钢 structural alloy steel
黑色金属 ferrous metal
红硬性 red hardness
滑移 slip, glide
滑移方向 glide direction, slip direction
滑移面glide plane, slip plane
滑移系 slip system
化合物 compound
化学气相沉积 chemical vapour eposition (CVD)
化学热处理 chemical heat treatment
基体 matrix
机械混合物 mechanical mixture
机械性能 mechanical property
激光热处理 heat treatment with a laser beam
激光 laser
激光熔凝 laser melting and consolidation
激光表面硬化 surface hardening by laser beam
加工硬化 work hardening
加热 heating
胶粘剂 adhesive
结构材料 structural material
结晶 crystallize, crystallization
结晶度 crystallinity
金属材料 metal material
金属化合物 metallic compound
金属键 metallic bond
金属组织 metal structure
金属结构 metallic framework
金属塑料复合材料 plastimets
金属塑性加工 metal plastic?working
金属陶瓷 metal ceramic
金相显微镜 metallographic microscope, metalloscope
金相照片 metallograph
晶格crystal lattice
晶格常数 lattice constant
晶格空位 lattice vacancy
晶粒 crystal grain
晶粒度 grain size
晶粒细化 grain refining
晶体结构 crystal structure
聚四氟乙烯 polytetrafluoroethy lene (PTFE)
聚合度 degree of polymerization
聚合反应 polymerization
绝热材料 heat-insulating material
绝缘材料 insulating material
抗拉强度tensile strength
抗压强度 compression strength
颗粒复合材料 particle composite
扩散 diffusion, diffuse
老化 aging
莱氏体 ledeburite
冷变形 cold deformation
冷加工 cold work, cold working
冷却 cool, cooling
冷作硬化 cold hardening
离子 ion
粒状珠光体 granular pearlite
连续转变曲线continuous cooling transformation(CCT) curve
孪晶 twin crystal
孪生 twinning, twin
螺旋位错 helical dislocation
洛氏硬度 Rockwell hardness
马氏体 martensite (M)
密排六方晶格 close-packed xagonal lattice (C.P.H.)
面心立方晶格 face-centred cubic lattice (F.C.C.)
摩擦 friction
磨损 wear, abrade, abrasion
模具钢 die steel
Mf 点 martensite finishing point
Ms点 martensite starting point
纳米材料 nanostructured materials
耐磨钢 wear-resisting steel
耐磨性 wearability, wear resistance
耐热钢 heat resistant steel , high temperature steel
内耗 internal friction
内应力 internal stress
尼龙 nylon
粘弹性 viscoelasticity
凝固 solidify, solidification
扭转强度 torsional strength
扭转疲劳强度 torsional fatigue strength
泡沫塑料 foamplastics, expanded plastics
配位数 coordination number
喷丸硬化 shot-peening
疲劳强度 fatigue strength
疲劳寿命 fatigue life
片状马氏体 lamellar martensite, plate type martensite
普通碳钢 ordinary steel, plain carbon steel
气体渗碳 gas carburizing
切变 shear
切削 cut, cutting
切应力 shearing stress
球化退火 spheroidizing annealing
球墨铸铁 nodular graphite cast iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron
球状珠光体 globular pearlite
屈服强度 yielding strength, yield strength
屈强比 yielding-to-tensile ratio
屈氏体 troolstite (T)
去应力退火 relief annealing
热处理 heat treatment
热加工 hot work, hot working
热喷涂 thermal spraying
热固性 thermosetting
热塑性 hot plasticity
热硬性 thermohardening
柔顺性 flexibility
人工时效 artificial ageing
刃具 cutting tool
刃型位错 edge dislacation, blade dislocation
韧性 toughness
溶质 solute
溶剂 solvent
蠕变 creep
蠕墨铸铁 quasiflake graphite cast iron
软氮化 soft nitriding